Difference in digimon v pet
Difference in digimon v pet

difference in digimon v pet

C'mon Digimon Ĭ'mon Digimon is a one-shot manga, made in summer 1997, involving battles between more-or-less holographic Digimon. By the time Neo had reformed, Arcadiamon shattered and Daemon emerged, digivolving to Ultra after absorbing Arcadiamon's data, but he was destroyed at the hands of Zeromaru as UlForceVeedramon Ultra. It would have seemed that Daemon was gone but in reality, he intended Neo's treachery to occur so he could possess Arcadiamon.

difference in digimon v pet

But Neo backstabbed Daemon and had Arcadiamon load the villain's data. Daemon also had intentions to invade the human world after taking over the Digital World.


After seeing how powerful Zeromaru became under Tai, Daemon realized that a tamer was needed to bring out the full potential of his Ultra Digimon and found such a person, Neo. Furthermore, he was raising a Digi-Egg of terrible power at his castle in the center of the Folder Continent where the castle originally belonged to a Digimon god. He was raising an army of evil Digimon to take over the Digital World. Daemon The evil behind the chaos of the Digital World. He goes on to win the next D-1 tournament and keeps his friendship with the four in the Real World. After the event, Neo befriends Tai and the Alias 3 again and saves Tai's life. Sometime after the invasion and after Rei threatens to stop the fight by jumping off the cliff, Neo and Tai stop their rivalry. His Arcadiamon defeated Leo and Seraphimon (Lord MagnaAngemon in his Mega Form). He later brought it during the invasion upon Lord MagnaAngemon's castle with an army of Kuwagamon, Devidramon, Vilemon, Devimon, a Boltmon, a Gryphonmon, a Megadramon, a Gigadramon, and a VenomMyotismon. Then he received Arcadiamon from Daemon, which he used to kill Pie the Piedmon and Rose the Rosemon (Rose died much later). Each of them was killed by either Neo himself or Tai Kamiya's Zeromaru. When he worked for Daemon, he had a lot of Digimon at his disposal, including a Devimon and an Ogremon that could DNA Digivolve into SkullSatamon, which he used to kill Etemonkey the Etemon, MetalGreymon (which was digivolved from his own Greymon), Ghoulmon, and more. The original Digimon was a Megadramon included it from chapter 17 (the silhouette of Megadramon can be seen upside down), who tied with Zero Tournament V-Pet, he also had a Greymon that he rejected after it kept losing in battle. Neo Saiba An evil Tamer in V-Tamer 01, and the brother of Rei Saiba. There were a few team-up specials Tai had with Davis Motomiya, Ryo Akiyama, Takuya Kanbara, and the Tai Kamiya from Digimon Adventure: Zeromaru Tai's partner Digimon, a Veedramon. After he and Zeromaru defeated Daemon, Tai and the other children returned to the Real World. He even fought other humans, like Neo Saiba and the Alias Three, who eventually helped him out. He faced the likes of Etemonkey (An Etemon) and the evil Digimon that guard the V-Tags. Tai agreed, and with Gabo as a tour guide to find the five V-Tags. He met Lord Magna Angemon, who brought him to the Digital World to help them fight Daemon. But when he was transported he learned that 'glitch' was his partner, Zeromaru. He is a boy whose V-Pet had a Digimon thought to be a glitch. They are all villains that eventually reform except Rei, who has no Digimon Partner or evil intentions.Ĭharacters Tai Kamiya The main character of the manga V-Tamer 01. Mari's Partner is a Rosemon named Rose and Sigma's is a Piedmon named Pie respectively. Hideto's Partner is an Omnimon named Omega, formed by the DNA Digivolution of Warg and Melga, a WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon respectively. The others, called the Alias III, are to help Neo and Daemon with their Digimon.

difference in digimon v pet difference in digimon v pet

Rei Saiba, Neo's sister, has a Digimental that will allow the Daemon's experimental Digimon to digivolve to a level beyond Mega. Neo is chosen to raise the Digimon that will hatch from the Ultra egg Daemon is raising. Taichi and Zeromaru travel to Lord MagnaAngemon's castle with the aid of Gabo the Gabumon, and there Lord MagnaAngemon begs Taichi to find the five Tamer Tags and defeat the evil Daemon, who has disrupted the peace of the Digital World.Īlong the way, more humans are brought to the Digital World by Daemon, including Neo Saiba, Rei Saiba, Sigma, Mari Goutokuji, and Hideto Fujimoto. Later, Taichi is summoned to the Digital World by a Digimon called Lord MagnaAngemon, and there he meets the mysterious Digimon in his V-Pet, Zeromaru the Veedramon. After the tournament is over, Taichi plays the winner of the tournament, a boy named Neo Saiba, and their battle ends in a tie - something that is supposed to be impossible. A boy named Taichi is involved in a V-Pet tournament where he is told he cannot play because the Digimon in his V-Pet isn't recognized as being a real Digimon.

Difference in digimon v pet